
A commitment to safety as a fundamental characteristic of our products and services is part of our culture at Leonardo. Our customers’ flight safety is our top priority and delivering safe helicopters is our primary objective. This approach is at the heart of all our activities, from design and production to customer services, with the aim of exceeding the most rigorous safety standards and continuously developing and supporting safety in every aspect. 

Safety by organisation

Leonardo’s Safety Management approach is reflected in every structure of its internal organisation and throughout the entire business network.

Leonardo is a unique and structured entity, encompassing the full helicopter lifecycle: design and related certification (including supplier management), manufacturing, sales, maintenance and continued airworthiness, training for all personnel, and support for accident/incident investigation agencies.


Safety by design

The safety of Leonardo’s helicopters is based on the heritage of many decades’ experience in helicopter design and over a century of manufacturing and flying aircraft.

Safety by Customer Support

Customer Portal
Leonardo’s commitment to customer proximity and improving its helicopters’ availability and efficiency helps ensure the fulfilment of its primary duty of guaranteeing safe operations. The new area dedicated to customers provides direct access to all updated publications and information including the latest manuals, bulletins, maintenance instructions, information letters and safety information documents which are essential for maintaining up-to-date safe helicopter operations.

Safety by training

Safe operations require thorough training and awareness from flight and maintenance operators. Leonardo believes in the key value of sharing the best safety practice through training, which is designed around products, experience, customers and their operations.

Safety by Lesson Learned

In case of a helicopter accident or serious incident, the investigation process must be carried out with precision and objectivity, to uncover the root causes and prevent future occurrences. To facilitate this process, in the civil environment, the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) has established guidelines under Annex 13 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation. Annex 13 outlines the procedures for aircraft accident and incident investigations, with a particular focus on the roles and responsibilities of various parties involved in the process. One such key player is the helicopter manufacturer, who often acts as Technical Advisor (TA) of the Accredited Representative (AccRep) during the investigation.

The Accredited Representative for the State of Registry, State of Operator, State of Design or State of Manufacturer is appointed to participate in an investigation conducted by another State, typically the State where the accident occurred (the State of Occurrence). The Accredited Representative's role is to ensure that their state’s interests are protected and to contribute technical expertise to the investigation. For Italy, the Accredited Representatives are investigators from Agenzia Nazionale Sicurezza del Volo (ANSV), that is the independent Italian national investigation authority. The accredited representative can request the support of Technical Advisors, such as Leonardo as helicopter manufacturer, to provide specific knowledge about the design, operation and maintenance of the helicopter involved. In those cases, Leonardo’s Accident Investigation office brings specialised expertise that is crucial to understanding the technical aspects of the events under investigation.

The activities performed during the investigation process by Leonardo accident investigators, as Technical Advisor to the Accredited Representative under Annex 13, can be outlined as follows.

Note: For the military helicopters, the ICAO Annex 13 is not applicable and the Ministry of Defence of the nation of occurrence, thorough its military authority’s organisation, is in charge for the investigation. Leonardo totally supports the investigation when requested by the military authorities, guaranteeing the required level of classification of the information.


Leonardo’s accident investigators play an indispensable role as Technical Advisor to the Accredited Representative in the context of ICAO Annex 13 investigations. Leonardo’s investigators and technicians’ specialised knowledge is essential for understanding the causes of accidents and serious incidents, providing insights that contribute to the overall safety of helicopter operations. Through collaboration with the accredited representative and the lead investigation authority, the manufacturer helps ensure that the findings lead to meaningful safety improvements, thereby reducing the likelihood of future accidents. Over the years, by collaborating with safety investigation entities, Leonardo has made significant strides that have led to improvements in aircraft design, maintenance practices, training, operational procedures and overall safety management. These experiences have been pivotal in driving advancements that prioritise safety at every stage. 



Safety by collaboration

Safety requires collaboration that includes every stakeholder. Leonardo is an active partner in all the major safety networks and a proactive player in numerous safety-related initiatives and promotion activities in our sector. This cooperation ensures the company stays up-to-date with the latest safety developments and provides a seat at the table for all major discussions and projects, national and international that aim to promote and improve safety.

Leonardo’s collaborative approach puts safety at the heart of its operations and helps the company ensure the same for its customers. Below you can read details of just some of Leonardo’s recent and ongoing projects.

Dissemination Material

Advertisements, letters and brochures dedicated to specific targets but with the common objective of disseminating safety issues.

Safety Material



Leonardo Helicopters is a member of VAST, the Vertical Aviation Safety Team. The VAST Safety Promotion Team provides a useful and extensive Safety Toolbox, containing the most important publications on all aspects related to Helicopters Flight safety and Safety Management Systems. A video section is available to explore some of the issues related to safety.


European Safety Promotion Network Rotorcraft (ESPN-R)

The European Safety Promotion Network Rotorcraft (ESPN-R) is a joint industry-authority team, established by the Rotorcraft Sectorial Committee (RSC) in January 2017. The ESPN-R develops, disseminates and evaluates Safety Promotion (SP) materials and actions on a voluntary basis to support the rotorcraft community, EASA and industry. ESPN-R results are published in the Rotorcraft | EASA Community and before 2020 on the EASA Safety Promotion website in the helicopter section.



SKYbrary is an electronic repository of safety knowledge related to flight operations, air traffic management (ATM) and aviation safety in general, enabling users to access the safety data made available on the websites of various aviation organisations - regulators, service providers, industry.



The former European Helicopter Safety Team (EHEST), now the European Safety Promotion Network Rotorcraft (ESPN-R), developed between 2010 and 2016 a series of manuals, guidelines, toolkits, checklists and videos on Safety Management System (SMS). Links to this safety material can be found here.



The Potential of Technologies to Mitigate Helicopter Accident Factors – An EHEST Study  NLR-TP-2014-311

The Potential of Technologies to Mitigate Helicopter Accident Factors  - Status update and way forward NLR-TP-2018-470